Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mom's here!

She flew in today.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

That's why it's a "CrackBerry"...

Picked up a new phone recently, I'm sure you've seen the commercials for it on TV -- BlackBerry Storm. Do I need a BlackBerry Storm? Probably not, but, we all have a lot of things we don't need. I held off getting it for a while until the initial bugs were worked out of them (which there were plenty). Between the $150 Verizon gift card from Michele for my Birthday, $50 mail-in-rebate, and $50 New-In-Two, I didn't pay anything for the phone; can't beat that.

This is an amazing little device that does so many things I wasn't expecting it to be able to do. Screen quality is amazing. I've hardly been able to put the thing down, and apparently I even sleep with it.

I'm still learning the ins and outs of BlackBerry but picking it up pretty quickly. If you know of any must-have apps, let me know. This thing seems to be able to do everything I can think of or imagine.

I think that the Mobile Bartender is going to find it's way on here fairly soon.

First entry...

This is just a test run to see how this thing works. Going to set up another one in the near future once our baby girl comes. Eventually I will be using this one to keep updates of the ongoings in my garage, the cars being built etc. But for now, this is it.